Friday, October 10, 2014

Spinzilla - Day Five

What happened to Day Four you ask? Honestly, after the Spinzilla Party, I was TIRED.

So here's what happened on Day Four:

1) spun a little more of the silk brick;
2) spun more of the mango on the dragonfly;
3) and during the party, I spun the last two wild carded batts!!!!! (this makes me very happy)

Day Five has been all golden dragonfly. I now have three cops parked on DP knitting needles, and the fourth is well started.

Two days to go, and I've only used two of the wheels. I really should put something on at least two more of them. And I also want to put a little project on my Jenkins Aegean Turkish.

There will be more photos -- I promise!

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